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Save A Wall In Your New Conversion For A Feature Wall

Posted by Lisa Mason
9th July 2018

vintage wallpaper feature wallFeature or accent walls are regarded as one of the best tricks that can be used to personalise and style your home. Indeed, if you want to spice up your new home, you should consider saving a wall for decoration. Whether you add colour or simply place materials on the wall, the main aim is to create a statement through design and creativity. What’s more, there is no limitation to the amount of colour, design, or the extent of creativity you can incorporate on your wall.

You can choose any of your walls as your feature wall, but it is best to select the one that catches your eye naturally when you walk into the room. Alternatively, the one that is directly opposite your window and receives the most natural light can also be a great option. So, now that you have chosen your ideal feature wall, how do you spice it up? We have rounded up several inexpensive ways to help you create a feature wall that will perfectly match with your home décor.

Below are several inexpensive ways to generate high impact feature walls.


If you live in a rental house, this is perhaps your best option; prints of removable wallpapers come in various shades and textures. You can easily remove them and add a more up to date print anytime you wish. However, a tip to installing prints is that you should use at least one colour and match it with your home décor for uniformity or to create a cohesive story. Additionally, you should consider mounting wallpaper prints that will bring the best out of your wall. You can remain trendy by checking out the latest designs on the Internet. For example, exposed brick is a popular choice to have internally; why not consider an exposed brick print in your home rather than the real thing?

Bricks wall clock


They say, let the art speak for itself. Of course, you don’t need to be a great art collector to recognise beauty. Also, note that art isn’t necessarily that amazing collection from a website – it can simply be the simple family pictures scattered around the house. Be creative and play around with them to create amazing art on your feature wall. You will be surprised by the difference they will make on your wall, trust me!


Of course, colours are the best and quickest way to pack a punch on any wall. Using complementary and contrasting tones, you can create an amazing cohesive story with your home décor. Also, you don’t need to be an artist to utilise this transformative tool – you only need to be a little creative to attain that amazing feature wall. For inspiration, check out our post exploring the trending Pantone Colours for 2018.

Floating shelves home decor

Floating shelves

Floating shelves are the best option if you are looking for more storage space. Further, if you are a book collector you get to comfortably display your impressive book collection, and, therefore, adding a statement to your home. Further, you can be creative with your storage and play around with their arrangement patterns.

With feature walls, you don’t have to be a fashion fanatic or a home décor enthusiast. You only need to choose a wall and play around with it. Since the 90s, features have always been said to be an amazing option to improve your home’s appearance. Therefore, if you have not tried any of the above methods in your home, you should definitely consider doing so and there is no doubt you will get positive results.

If you’re planning to include a feature wall in a new loft conversion, why not get in touch with MPK Lofts? As loft conversion specialists in Bristol since 1993, we can help with your conversion or extension!

Posted by Lisa Mason
9th July 2018
MPK Lofts
90 High Street, Hanham Bristol, BS15 3EJ
0117 9478200